Here is an article I wrote back in 2016 when I was not living the life of my dreams like I am now. God was teaching me patience and trust. I hope it’s a blessing to some of you readers!

James was Jesus’ earthly biological brother, so he got to hang out with Jesus a lot. I don’t think James really understood his brother, Jesus, until Jesus had left the earth. But I bet James ‘got’ him very well as he reflected in hindsight and wrote this letter (we now call the Book of James in the Bible), having spent years of life-on-life with Jesus. Just what did James have to say about the green monster, Jealousy?

But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace (James 3:14-18).

According to James, both jealousy and selfish ambition cause “disorder” and “every vile practice”. What does vile mean? Vile means things are either disgusting or morally wicked. Wow! Those are strong words to use.  He even says that jealousy is demonic!

Do you struggle with jealousy? It goes hand-in-hand with selfish ambition. See, if you were not self-consumed, you’d not be comparing yourself and your circumstances or successes or acquisitions with those of others.  You’d be content.

TELL GOD! Run to God. He is merciful. He CAN handle the truth. Tell him how frustrated you are with your life’s lot. Tell him if you don’t think it’s fair. Tell him you do not like ‘such and such,’ and in fact, he can even handle a pitched fit with screaming, cussing, and pounding your fists in the air.  He can handle too much heaviness and crying, too. He can handle you telling him you’re doubting his goodness and you’re angry for what is going on in your life—especially if you’re one who’s made overall good choices and you’re faced with hard circumstances when others around you seem to be sailing through life without a care. The God of the universe can most definitely handle you. So be real before him.  

Jealousy destroys. It keeps us from thankfulness, contentment, and deeply loving others and trusting God. If we are frustrated with our life, we’d be best to tell God and get it all out. ‘Vomit’ the frustrations out of your soul. God is Father, and like a good, loving father would, he’ll come and clean you up and lie your soul down to rest and get better. Until the poison is removed from your belief system, it will destroy you on the inside, as it is “vile”.

Let’s just face it: life can be really hard. We are each struggling in our own ways with major and minor disappointments. And if we’re not, we will be soon. But we can’t keep comparing what we do have and wanting what we don’t have if we’re ever going to be truly satisfied. That’s so much easier to say than to do.

I have struggled with this in my past and can identify with these feelings. But God (patiently) kept reminding me that this life isn’t about me or my dreams. My reward is eternal—not earthly. And if I stop believing that he is what makes me happy, I’ll never truly be content.

In contrast, wisdom, as James contrasts it with jealousy, is “pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere”.  And he goes on to add that rightness with God is what you get when you live in peace—again—the opposite of jealousy. The tricky part with God, though, is that we can’t be fake. We can fool everyone around us. But God knows our hearts, and he knows if we are truly at peace with what he’s given to us, or if we are poisoned by jealousy.

So the main point would be dump out your poisonous jealousy to God! He will fill you with the goodness of peace and wisdom in its stead. And you will become beautified from the inside—out. And you will learn contentment.


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