Many of you know I earned a masters and an undergraduate degree in theology. After graduating, I ended up going into teaching children. For years it seems there has been a disconnect between some of my deepest passions and my vocation.

In many ways, I lost some of my zeal. Without accountability that came with exams and reading assignments and research papers, etc. I have grown lazy in my quest for knowing God more and studying His Word. I have read the Bible like most I know (who have not been entrusted with the tools and knowledge that I have been): I choose a Book and just start reading. As I read, I think of questions, but I’ve been too lazy to take the time to look at commentaries and figure out the answers to my questions. I’ve been too complacent to dig more into the cultural and historical backgrounds of the Books I’m reading, and I have become comfortable using the Bible to “feel good” about myself, knowing I’m reading a few paragraphs every day and doing what I’m supposed to do as a “good Christian”.

That is changing. Thank God, I am changing. I have recently been approached to help teach a Bible study about how to read the Bible in its context. I’ve purchased a few books and am actually thrilled! A part of me has come to life again! I’m reading more than I am supposed to, and I am recalling truths I’d forgotten over the years. I feel like there’s a fire in my soul whose flame was desperately needing to be kindled.

I am a stay at home mother of twin boys. This is my main assignment on earth. And while I may not be paid for my formal theological education, it IS time to put it into use! What I am realizing is that to those who have been entrusted with much, MUCH is required! I have been one of few who has been privileged enough to sit under some of our top theologians of our day and learn the biblical Greek and hermeneutics. I’ve learned about world religions, church planting, biblical ethics, missions, Books of the Bible, theology of the body as it pertains to our spirituality, etc! I have been entrusted with a wealth of knowledge, and I’ve settled for status quo.

Like the parable of Jesus, I had a talent, and I buried it in the sand. And guess what? My life did not produce much “fruit” or interest. Granted, God did a ton of healing work in me over the past decade since I’ve graudated. He has cultivated me into a woman who can be better entrusted with his Mission and teaching his Word more faithfully. But now it is time to blossom and reinvest back into others.

I may never get paid to use my education and training or be labeled as a minister in an official sense. But God doesn’t really care about that. He wants me to be a faithful steward, though, of the gem that He’s entrusted me with. So I will begin with what I know is before me: I will help facilitate a new Bible study and help other women learn how to read the Bible in its intended context. As I am a faithful steward, God will likely entrust me with more. (And when my sons are old enough, I can’t wait to be their teacher! For now, we pray and sing with them and read them a Bible story each night!)

I figured I’d share from my heart. Some of you have known me many years and may be curious of where I am in my journey and how God is working in my heart. Others of you may be inspired, I hope. Be faithful with whatever it is God has entrusted you with. Don’t look for the lazy way out. Use your unique gifts, passions, knowledge, and experiences! Find ways to give back to others! Use your blessings to bless others!

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

May we each become wonderful stewards of what God has entrusted to us and help fulfill His Great Commission… He has full authority. Because of this, we can speak and act in confidence. For followers of Yeshua (Jesus), our mandate is to make followers of Yeshua’s way out of all people groups and to immerse them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit by teaching them to do as Yeshua taught his followers to do. We are never alone in this great task. Yeshua promised to be with us, always.


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